What does it mean to be HERE?

Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose to one thing at a time. We can be mindful in as many ways as there are things to do. We can notice our breathing, taste the food we are eating, feel of our feet on the ground, hear the sounds of birds singing, smell spring wind, fall leaves, flowers…anything we choose to put our attention on can help us be more mindful. Being mindful can help us pay better attention in our relationships, at school or work, and generally be more focused and calm.

In partnership with the City of Winona Parks and Recreation Department during winter & spring 2023, The Joy Labs partnered with 13 community groups and 250+ community members to create mindful art that is featured in area parks. Community partners included the Advocacy Center of Winona, East End Rec, Engage Winona Lived Experience Leaders, Home & Community Options, Our Voices, Project FINE, Winona Catholic Workers, Winona County History Center, Winona County Treatment Court, Winona Friendship Center, Winona Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Winona Outdoor Collaborative, and the Winona Public Library.

The You Are Here/Be Here Now art offers an invitation to pause and take a mindful moment.

See The Joy Labs’ events page for more info about this and other upcoming events.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

When is NOW?


Parent Child Interaction Therapy Mural at Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center


Prairie Island Adventure Club 2023